Mini Wintery House Boxes for Your Christmas Tree
I have designed some little Christmas house boxes for your Christmas tree!
It is a tradition in our family to have a little tree gift at the end of Chrsitmas day. When we were growning up and definitely my Mum's childhood Christmas days', we would have a couple of presents under the tree (unlike today which seems to have swung completely the other way) and the Christmas tree gift was an added treat at the end of the day. It was often a chocolate or a little toy or book.
So these boxes are a little Christmas tree gift from me to you....you can use them just as a decoration but if you pop a little gift in - make sure you save them for the very end of the day!
You will need a printer - or someone you know with a printer!
Print the houses at A4 size
Thin card (or paper that is stuck on a cereal box for strength)
Glue Stick
Something little to pop inside.
I have a few colour variations for you. Click on the option to get your printable boxes. Please feel use as many as you would like but they are for personal use only. Thank you and enjoy!
The Red and Blue Christmas House
The Red and Mint Christmas House
The Pink and Red Christmas House
The Red and Green Christmas House
Blank House template for a DIY design!
Merry Holidays!!